Collingwood OPP Detachment Board

In March 2019, the Ontario government passed the Community Safety and Policing Act (CSPA) as part of the Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019. On its proclamation date of April 1, 2024, the CSPA replaced the Police Services Act. The CSPA is intended to modernize policing and enhance community safety in Ontario.

The Board is a civilian body that oversees the Collingwood detachment of the OPP and draws its authority from the CSPA and regulations. The role of the Collingwood OPP Detachment Board as set out under Section 68(1) of the CSPA is to:

  • consult with the Commissioner regarding the selection of a detachment commander and otherwise participate, in accordance with the regulations made by the Minister, in the selection of the detachment commander;
  • determine objectives and priorities for the detachment, not inconsistent with the strategic plan prepared by the Minister, after consultation with the detachment commander or his or her designate;
  • advise the detachment commander with respect to policing provided by the detachment;
  • monitor the performance of the detachment commander;
  • review the reports from the detachment commander regarding policing provided by the detachment; and
  • on or before June 30 in each year, provide an annual report to the Town of Collingwood Council regarding the policing provided by the detachment in their municipalities.

Community Awareness Initiative

The Board and the Collingwood OPP Detachment are committed to working with the community to promote safety and security for all residents of Collingwood and our visitors. We believe that effective policing requires strong partnerships with community organizations, local businesses, and individual community members, and we are committed to building and maintaining these relationships.

Code of Conduct for OPP Detachment Board Members

Meeting Schedule, Agendas and Minutes

The Board holds both in-camera and public meetings in accordance with the requirements of the CSPA and the Board's governance framework (see below).  Meetings may be held in either electronic, in-person, or in a hybrid format.

Collingwood OPP Board Membership

Under the CSPA, effective April 1, 2024 the Collingwood Police Services Board became the Collingwood OPP Detachment Board, established under O.Reg. 135/24: OPP Detachment Boards, with the membership to the Board comprised of two elected officials from Town of Collingwood Council, two community members appointed by the municipality and one provincial appointee who is appointed by the Solicitor General. 

Collingwood OPP Detachment Board Membership:

Mayor Yvonne Hamlin
Councillor Kathy Jeffery
Claire Tucker-Reid (municipal appointee)
Anthony Griffiths (municipal appointee)
Michael Edwards (provincial appointee)

Staff Resources: Detachment Commander Loris Licharson and Amanda Pegg, Executive Director, Corporate and Customer Services

Plans, Policies and By-laws

The Collingwood OPP Detachment Board is required to create its own local policies and make these policies available to the public. With the transition of the Board to an OPP Detachment Board and the enactment of the CSPA, the Board will continue to implement new policy specific to the policing needs of the community. 

Detachment Commander Monitoring - Policy Statement
Detachment Commander Monitoring - Form

2023-2025 Collingwood and the Blue Mountains OPP Action Plan

2020-2022 Collingwood and the Blue Mountains OPP Action Plan
2017-2019 Collingwood and the Blue Mountains OPP Action Plan

2023 Police Services Board and Council Communications Protocol

Have a question?

The Collingwood OPP Detachment Board can be contacted by email at

Committee/Board Information

Town of Collingwood Committee & Board
All members of Council sit on this committee