Water Conservation

Outdoor Water Use Restrictions

In efforts to promote water conservation and limit the stress on the Town's filtration plant during the high-peak days of summer, the Town of Collingwood has implemented a Water By-Law (2016-66, the 2016 revised Water By-Law) which speaks to outdoor water use (Section 9) and the Outdoor Water Use Restrictions for odd/even numbered addresses for outdoor watering.

Please be mindful that outdoor water use (lawn watering, etc) is permitted from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. If your street address (house number) is an even number, you can water on even-numbered calendar days. Odd street address numbers (house numbers) can water on odd calendar days.

Rain Barrels

Collecting rainwater is a great way to create an alternative water supply and keep the bills down. Rain barrels can be placed at the end of the downspout from your roof to collect rainwater to be used to wash your car or water your lawn and garden. Rainwater is better for your plants and for the environment.

Town of Collingwood residents can purchase rain barrels at Town Hall. A maximum of two (2) rain barrels can be purchased per resident. The cost is $45.00 including tax and delivery.


You can have a rain barrel next to your foundation, but the overflow hose should be directed at least six (6) feet away from any foundation. In the fall, rain barrels should be disconnected.

A building permit is not required for a rain barrel.