Legislation & Regulations

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) was established in 2005 and is now law in Ontario. The purpose of the AODA is to assist businesses and organizations throughout Ontario in reducing barriers to become more accessible to people with disabilities. The goal of the Act is to make the Province of Ontario completely accessible by 2025.

The Act is comprised of five standards which work together to reduce barriers found in daily life. The five accessibility standards include the areas of:

  1. Customer Service
  2. Information and Communication
  3. Employment
  4. Transportation
  5. Design of Public Spaces/Build Environment

Accessibility requirements for most new construction and extensive renovations of buildings identified in the Building Code. To learn more visit the Government of Ontario, Accessibility in Ontario's Building Code.

Who Needs to Comply?

Building an accessible and inclusive Collingwood is everyone's responsibility. Every organization or business operating in Ontario that provides goods or services to the public or other organizations and has at least one employee is required to comply. To learn more about the AODA and compliance requirements for your organization or business, please visit the Government of Ontario, Accessibility in Ontario: information for businesses.

To complete a self-assessment of your organization and identify the requirements that apply, explore the Government of Ontario, Accessibility Standards Checklist.