Heritage Collingwood

Did you know? The Town of Collingwood was the first municipality in Canada to have a Heritage Conservation District included on the prestigious Canadian Register of Historic Places! Collingwood is very proud of its Heritage District and designated properties and thanks heritage property owners for their efforts to maintain and conserve these significant buildings that help make Collingwood the unique and special town it is!

Are you a Heritage Property Owner or thinking of buying a Heritage Property?

The Collingwood Downtown Heritage Conservation District Plan, 2008 provides the material and design guidance for the Heritage District.

To conserve properties designated under Part IV (individual property) or V (Heritage District) of the Ontario Heritage Act, do not make any exterior alterations, including painting or window replacements, to these properties without first obtaining a Heritage Permit from the Town of Collingwood. To discuss the proposed alterations and how to apply for a permit, please email planning@collingwood.ca.

If you have a designated property or believe you have a designated heritage property and are unaware of the process to make alterations, which includes but is not limited to windows, doors, painting, fences, or any feature upon the property, contact the Planning Department. Please note that adjacent properties are also impacted by the Heritage District and individually designated properties, so be sure to contact us prior to making any alternations.

The Town has a Heritage Committee which is appointed by Council to advise on matters relating to the Heritage District and designated properties. The committee meets monthly to discuss and review any heritage matters. The Committee and staff, discuss any pending permits and alterations as well as other heritage matters.


Justin Teakle, Senior Planner (Heritage) Town of Collingwood, Municipal Offices 705-445-1030 Ext. 3270 planning@collingwood.ca