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Public engagement is a top priority for Mayor Hamlin, Council and staff and we strongly believe that every voice matters! The Town strives to be inclusive to ensure residents are aware of and can easily participate in discussions, engage in activities, obtain information, and provide feedback and opinions.
The Engage.Collingwood.ca platform provides many options for online participation and feedback opportunities for various projects and initiatives.
Featured projects on Engage Collingwood

About the Town of Collingwood
The Town of Collingwood is a progressive community located in the heart of a four-season recreation area on the southern shore of Georgian Bay. The area is well known for its many natural amenities and its rich heritage.
Programs and Services Focus
Collingwood’s framework of its Programs and the Services that contribute to each Program provides a clear focus on exactly what the municipality is delivering and the outcomes it is seeking. This reusable structure supports Council’s governance and enhances discussions with our community.
Our Community Vision
Sustainable, Connected, Vibrant
Collingwood is an inclusive community that offers a healthy and active lifestyle in a beautiful waterfront setting, anchored by a responsible government, strong business and nonprofit network, and an animated downtown

Commitment to Accessibility
The Town of Collingwood is committed to providing all people with consistent opportunity and access to all Town goods, services and facilities while ensuring that policies, procedures and practices are provided in a timely manner and address integration, independence, dignity and equal opportunity.
Building an Inclusive Community
The Town of Collingwood is committed to building an inclusive, equitable and accessible community where everyone feels valued and respected and has a sense of belonging.
Land Acknowledgement
Collingwood resides within the Territory of Saugeen Ojibway Nation, which includes Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation and Saugeen First Nation and is home to many Indigenous peoples including Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe.