Committee of Adjustment: Minor Variances and Consents

Committee of Adjustment: Minor Variances and Consents

The Committee of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial Town of Collingwood body that holds public hearing meetings and makes decisions on minor variances, consents (severances, boundary adjustments, easements, leases, partial discharge of mortgage or charge) and extensions/enlargements to legal non-conforming uses.


Committee of Adjustment: Minor Variances and Consents

Minor variance and consents are applications required under the Planning Act and are a public process through the Committee of Adjustment.  All applications are subject to Planning Services review and public committee of adjustment hearings. 

To apply, register, accept, and apply to the Town of Collingwood's online registered and secure portal service with completed application forms, site plan (sketch plans), and credit card payment.

Minor Variance: A minor variance is an application under section 45 of the Ontario Planning Act to seek relief from the provisions of the zoning by-law, extension of legal ‘non-conforming uses’, and special permissions.

Consent: Consent is an application under section 53 of the Ontario Planning Act to sever land from the subject property, lot additions, and easements.

Zoning Certificates are required for Minor Variances and Consents

The Committee of Adustment Meeting Schedule provides dates for application submission and Committee of Adjustment hearing dates.

For additional information regarding the Committee of Adjustment, minor variances, or consents, please email

If you are unable to utilize the Cityview Portal please send an email to and we will help you to register and apply.

Comments: The comments above are made to the best of our knowledge using all of the information and resources available at the posting time.  The information contained herein is believed to be correct, however, the Town assumes no liability for negligence, inaccuracies, or omissions.  Please contact Planning Services at or 705-445-1290.

Planning Act: Individuals who make written submissions with respect to a Planning Act application must be aware that their submission (comments) and any personal information in their correspondence will become part of the public record (file) which is available to the public and made available to the Applicant, Committee, and Council.

Committees & Boards,
Planning Services