Application for Tree Cutting

Planning Services administers the Tree Cutting Permit process, which reviews the planning application form, reference plan, and supporting report from a qualified tree specialist.  Tree cutting permits are issued in accordance with the Tree Preservation and Protection By-law No. 2012-084   

Generally, a tree cutting application is required for:

  • Properties larger than 0.5 hectares or 1.24 acres
  • Any property located within an Environmental Policy Area or Recreation Area (The Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, or Grey Sauble Conservation Authority)

    The conditions required from developers to protect trees within Tree Protection Zones (TPZ) are stated in the application form and By-law.  Areas of tree protection may include lands designated as Environmental Protection, Recreation, Rural or identified buffer areas, trees listed as endangered, threatened, or at-risk species, hedgerows, watercourses and embankments, tree canopies and roots extending from adjacent properties, or any other area identified in the planning review and approval deemed appropriate by the municipality. 

Required Documents

  1. A reference plan is required in support of this application.* This application is distributed electronically; therefore, we require digital information including documents, drawings, and supporting reports. The drawings are required in AutoCAD, DWG, and PDF file in release 2000 or newer.
  2. A completed Tree Cutting Application Form including all information set out herein. 
  3. The Applicant shall submit a report prepared by a Landscape Architect, or a qualified forestry consultant in accordance with Schedule 'A' of By-law 2012-084, that will form part of the Application which will provide a general visual assessment and categorization of the existing trees, set forth the reasons for the proposed destruction of the trees(s), shall confirm that the endangered, threatened or at risk species are not present, and shall include recommendations for preservation and protection of any trees to be retained unless the Planning Director has determined a report is not necessary.

Consult the pages at the following links to determine if your property falls within the jurisdiction of the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) or the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority (GSCA), as additional fees and approvals may be required. It would be prudent to contact them in conjunction with this application.

How to Apply

In order to request tree destruction or cutting, you must complete the Tree Cutting Application Form. The application can then be submitted using the CityView Public Portal. The public portal enables users to upload associated documents and pay for the proposal via credit card. Users must be associated with the project in order to complete this process.

Fees can be paid via credit card using the CityView Portal, electronic funds transfer or cheque. The flat fee is non-refundable and payable upon submission of the application. Consult the Treasury Department for current fees & charges. The deposit fee will be reconciled at the end of the project, at the request of the payee, and the balance returned.


The comments above are made to the best of the Town's knowledge using all of the information and resources available at the posting time. The information contained herein is believed to be correct. However, the Town assumes no liability for negligence, inaccuracies, or omissions.  You can request more information by contacting

Planning Act Notification

Individuals who make written submissions with respect to a Planning Act application should be aware that their submission (comments) and any personal information in their correspondence will become part of the public record (file) and made available to the Applicant, Committee, and Council.

Application Forms
Planning Services