The Downtown Collingwood BIA Board of Management provides recommendations to the Corporate & Community Services Standing Committee, oversees the improvement, beautification and maintenance of municipally-owned lands, buildings and structures in the area, beyond such improvement, beautification and maintenance as is provided at the expense of the municipality generally, and the promotion of the area as a business or shopping area. To review other roles and responsibilities of the Board, refer to By-law No. 2015-007.
The association is funded by a levy placed on the property taxes of each owner within the designated boundaries. The budget is presented to the general membership each year for discussion and approved by Council.
The Downtown Collingwood BIA Board of Management meetings are generally held on the second Thursday of the month at 7:30 a.m. in the Braniff Room at Town Hall with ability for participants to participate remotely. A regular meeting schedule is established each year which may be reviewed from time to time.
Please visit the Civic Web Portal for Meeting Dates, Agendas, Minutes and Reports
The Downtown Collingwood BIA Board of Directors consists of nine (9) members in total: eight (8) members elected from the Downtown business community and property owners qualified to be members of the improvement area, or nominees of corporations so assessed as set out in Section 204 (4) of the Municipal Act; and one (1) council representative or a member of the public appointed by Council.
Non-voting members include the General Manager, Collingwood Downtown BIA and Administrative Coordinator.
The election for the eight (8) members is conducted by ballot during the municipal election year, and the results are then forwarded to Council for appointment.