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By-law No. 2022-012: The Corporation of the Town of Collingwood
Being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2013-065 being the Special Event By-law
Whereas the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 as amended, Section 150 states that a local municipality licence, regulate and govern businesses including exhibitions, concerts, festivals and other organized public amusements held for profit or otherwise;
And whereas the Town has licensed food vendors at Special Events under Schedule E – Food Vendors of By-law No. 2010-064 Business Licensing By-law, Class C – Special Events;
And whereas it is deemed expedient to amend the Special Events By-law to include provisions regarding the administration of food vendors at Special Events, and govern such businesses in the interest of public health and safety and nuisance control and consumer protection for the benefit of the residents of the municipality.
Now therefore Council of the Corporation of the Town of Collingwood enacts as follows:
1. That Section 2.0 of By-law 2013-065 be amended by added the following definition:
2.9 “Food Vendor” shall mean a person or persons selling confection, food and/or beverage items from one of the following:
“Motorized Food Sales” means the sale of food that is primarily based from a motorized mobile unit or trailer which includes any “motor vehicle” as defined by the Highway Traffic Act, and includes but is not limited to food trucks, food wagons, motorized ice cream vehicles and Ministry of Transportation licenced/plated trailers hauled by a motor vehicle.
“Non-motorized Food Sales” means the sale of food that is primarily based from a non-motorized, muscular powered, or stationary equipment other than food wagons, and shall include but not be limited to bicycle refreshment carts, portable barbeques or grills, tables, and coolers.
2. That section 4.2 of By-law No. 2013-065 be amended by adding the following:
“For Special Events requesting food vendors:
- A complete list of food vendors approved to operate during the special event.
- A certificate of inspection from a licenced gas fitter shall accompany the list of vendors that intend on using applicable combustible materials.
- A site plan showing the proposed location of the food sale/service locations and adjacent structures, along with any others that may be required by the Licensing Officer.
- A spill containment plan, including a description of how and where garbage, grease and grey water will be disposed of.
- Each food vendor is required to obtain health unit inspections annually prior to selling food at the special event. Proof of inspection is required to be submitted to the Licensing Officer prior to commencing food sales.
- A certificate of inspection from a licenced gas fitter shall be supplied annually with the application for vendors using applicable combustible materials.”
3. THAT section 5 of By-law No. 2013-065 be amended by adding the following:
5.2 “Food vendors may only include those approved by the Event Permit Authorizing Team in advance of the event. Subsequent changes to the list of approved vendors requires the written approval of the Event Permit Authorizing Team.
All food premises are subject to inspection by an Officer; Health Inspector; Alcohol and Gaming Commission Enforcement Officer; or any other official of the Town of Collingwood, County of Simcoe, Province of Ontario, or Government of Canada.
Food Vendors may be permitted at Special Events in the Downtown BIA on Town property at the discretion of the Event Permit Authorizing Team as part of a special event approved to take place within the BIA. Tables and chairs may not be permitted where conditions of the location do not provide sufficient space for pedestrian traffic, cause an obstruction of any kind or as stipulated in a special event permit. Approval of tables and chairs shall be at the discretion of the Event Permit Authorizing Team.
Food Vendors may only operate during the dates indicated on the Town approved special event permit.
Food sales shall be to attendees of the special event only. Food vendors licenced under this by-law are not permitted to sell food outside of the boundary of the special event or outside of the opening hours of the special event.
Approved food vendors may not arrive after the event is opened to the public or depart prior to the conclusion of the event without the written approval of the Event Permit Authorizing Team.”
4. That this By-law shall come into full force and effect on the date of final passage hereof at which time all by-laws and/or resolutions providing for specific delegated authority continue and remain in effect.
Enacted and passed this 21st day of March, 2022 (Original signed by Mayor and Clerk)