Upcoming and past agendas and minutes for Council, Committee of the Whole, Boards, and Advisory Committees for the Town of Collingwood are available below in either a list view or calendar view. To view the agenda and video at the same time, click the HTML option provided beside the meeting date you are interested in viewing. Meeting videos are available live during the meeting and post meeting.
To subscribe to receive meeting notifications via email, please sign up here using the subscription form and select the meetings you would like to be notified about.
Declarations related to the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act and the Code of Conflict are located under the Conflicts Registry button provided below.
Council - Committee of the Whole Agendas are posted to the website the Wednesday before a regular Monday meeting or:
- five (5) days prior to the meeting date; or
- in the case of a special meeting, 24 hours prior to the meeting; or
- in the case of an emergency meeting, it may be held without notice, to deal with an emergency or extraordinary situation, provided that an attempt has been made by the Clerk to notify the Members about the Meeting as soon as possible and in the most expedient manner available.
Advisory Committee and Local Board agendas are required to be posted to the website 48 hours prior to the meeting. Advisory Committee and Local Board meetings are livestreamed via Zoom and are not video recorded.
Please note: Meetings may be cancelled if not required.
Meeting minutes are posted on the website after being adopted by Council with a video record available for all Council meetings.
UPDATE: Town of Collingwood Council meetings held on Mondays may also be viewed on the Town of Collingwood You Tube Channel and on Rogers TV cable 53 or online. Due to a recent decision to reduce the size of operations at the Eastern Canada station, Rogers tv will only be airing the first Council meeting of the month.
If you wish to make an oral presentation to Council or Committee of the Whole, please submit a completed Deputation Request Form, to the Clerk's Department, 97 Hurontario Street, Collingwood, or clerk@collingwood.ca by 4:00 p.m., the Tuesday prior to the meeting you are requesting to attend.
Have a question about an upcoming meeting or having trouble looking for something? Contact Clerk Services at clerk@collingwood.ca or 705-445-1030.