By submitting this application, I agree to the following terms and conditions:
I own this property.
I do not owe the Town of Collingwood any delinquent debt (i.e. parking tickets, property taxes, water debt, etc.).
The property is not in violation of any Town of Collingwood By-Laws (i.e. construction without permit, property standards, zoning violations, etc.).
I agree that this additional residential unit will be rented out year-round for a minimum of five years upon building completion.
I agree to submit proof of a 12-month lease for five years, by January 30th each year. The Town of Collingwood understands that there might be minor disruptions to tenancy due to tenants moving.
I understand that the Town of Collingwood is monitoring short-term accommodation websites and if this unit appears on one of said sites I would be in violation of this agreement.
I understand that if the Town of Collingwood determines that the unit is being used for a short-term accommodation instead of a year-round rental, I will be expected to return funds to the Town of Collingwood as follows:
Amount Owed to Town of Collingwood
Grant #1 Grants #1 & #2
Year 1 $10,000 $15,000
Year 2 $8,000 $12,000
Year 3 $6,000 $9,000
Year 4 $4,000 $6,000
Year 5 $2,000 $3,000
(Year 1 starts when the occupancy permit is issued. Year indicates the year in which the violation was discovered.)
I acknowledge that if I have not applied for a Building Permit within 60 days of submitting this grant application, my grant window will expire. The grant opportunity will be offered to the next person on the wait list or the next person to submit a grant application. I may apply for the Rapid ARU Initiative grant again, but my application will go to the bottom of the wait list.
I understand that this grant application acknowledges my interest and enters me into a priority sequence, however, applying for this grant does not guarantee I will receive these funds. Rapid ARU Initiative grants are contingent on receipt of a Building Permit from the Town of Collingwood.
By submitting this application, I agree to the terms above and confirm that the information in this application is accurate and complete and contains no wilful falsifications or misrepresentations.