Exhibit Opening: Garden Stories

Artists Michael Black, with Victoria Huntley, presents an exhibition featuring abstract paintings and vibrant glasswork, contrasting the literal and metaphysical meanings associated with “Gardens”.

The Exhibition

Gardens are full of meaning. The beauty of our own beloved flowers and vegetables is juxtaposed with the devastating natural disasters occurring around the world, highlighting a deeper issue in our environment. Gardens have also been used in powerful symbolism: rich associations connected with garden imagery reach across time and cultural specificity – the nexus for creation stories or representations of paradise. If we look even closer, we can also see the history of humanity represented: the cultivation of gardens often implies the desire to subdue and control, bringing together both nature and culture with all the perceived benefits of that union but also with all of its conjoined historical destructiveness as well. But despite everything, there is hope in gardens. As another winter comes to an end, we often find ourselves longing for the first promise of spring. This exhibition embodies that hope and promise.

Opening Festivities

Join the artists on Saturday, March 1 between 2-4pm to celebrate the opening of this exhibition!

2pm: enjoy a special Talk from Michael and Victoria as they explore their work and the

theme of the show.

2:30-4pm: a drop-in wine and mingle time follows the artists’ Talk, with refreshments and complementary wine provided.

No tickets or registration required. All welcome!

Learn more: https://bit.ly/4iYZ4Zz


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