Strategic Plans & Master Plans

Strategic Plan cover page 2020-203

Collingwood Community Based Strategic Plan (2020-2023)
The Community Based Strategic Plan was approved by Council on June 15, 2020.

  • The Town is embarking on the creation of a new multi-year Strategic Plan and with the Downtown Business Improvement Area (BIA) a Downtown Visioning Master Plan. To learn more about this project follow along on Engage. 

Collingwood Community Based Strategic Plan (2015)
The Community Based Strategic Plan was approved by Council on September 21, 2015.

Official Plan
The Official Plan establishes goals, objectives, land use, transportation, servicing and community improvement policies to direct the physical growth of the Town of Collingwood, within a context of relevant social, economic and environmental constraints, in order to obtain the most desirable living environment for present and future residents, and those citizens from the surrounding area who are utilizing the regional facilities within the Town.

The Town of Collingwood Council passed By-law No. 2023-095 on December 11, 2023, under Sections 17 and 26 of the Planning Act. By-law No. 2023-095 is a by-law to adopt a new 2023 Official Plan for the Town of Collingwood and to repeal the 2004 Town of Collingwood Official Plan. 

The approval authority for the 2023 Official Plan is the County of Simcoe. The Plan will be forwarded along with the municipal record to the County for consideration of approval. The County may decide to approve, modify and approve as modified, or refuse to approve parts or all of the adopted Plan. 

Affordable Housing Master Plan (2023)

The Affordable Housing Master Plan (AHMP) was presented to the Town of Collingwood’s Committee of the Whole on October 30, 2023 and generally endorsed by Council on November 6, 2023. The AHMP includes 26 initiatives that were informed through a data driven and strategic process. The AHMP functions as a guiding light, giving us the prioritized and costed policy, process and regulatory changes and financial approaches with the biggest impact on the ground, as well as coordination and advocacy initiatives to round out our suite of actions to provide more affordable housing options that are critical to sustaining and supporting our community. 

Pollinator Protection Plan  (2024)

Collingwood is a growing community that has attracted visitors and residential growth due to its abundance and diversity of natural features, located along the south shore of Georgian Bay, and surrounded by the Niagara Escarpment and the longest freshwater beach in the world.

In October 2019, the Town of Collingwood took the first step towards protecting this unique landscape by declaring a climate crisis. In 2021, Collingwood was designated a Bee City, demonstrating a commitment to protecting and promoting pollinators.

This pollinator protection plan is also a step to mitigate the equally important issue of biodiversity loss.

A pollinator protection plan is a set of guiding principles and explicit actions that a municipality can take to protect pollinators in the area.

Greener Collingwood Climate Change Action Plan (2023)
The Greener Collingwood Corporate Climate Change Action Plan aims to achieve the following
three goals to address the Town’s corporate responsibility and dedication to mitigating climate
change in Collingwood.

  • Integrate climate change and sustainability into the Town of Collingwood’s
    corporate culture.
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by a minimum of 30% below 2019 levels
    by 2030.
  • Become a corporate and municipal leader in sustainability initiatives and
    greenhouse gas reduction measures in the region.

Energy Conservation & Demand Management Plan (2019-2024)
The Town of Collingwood has met the challenges of monitoring and reporting of its energy consumption, as required by Ontario Regulation 507/18, and is driven to improve the energy efficiency of our operations due to rising energy costs, energy security, and environmental concerns.

Service Delivery Review (2021) 
The purpose of the Service Delivery Review was to provide a comprehensive assessment of the Town's operations, define the programs offered by the Town and their desired outcomes, and determine opportunities for the Town to deliver its services more efficiently.

  • Internal Programs and Service Review (in-progress 2023)

Collingwood Museum Strategic Plan (2020-2024)
The Collingwood Museum Strategic Plan is a guiding document for the Museum to achieve its mission to be a relevant and engaging resource of Collingwood’s heritage and collective memory.

Economic Development Action Plan (2020-2025)
The Economic Development Action Plan is intended to help guide Collingwood’s economic development activities and priorities for five year periods, with a focus on those action items over which the Town of Collingwood has direct control.

South Georgian Bay and Springwater Community Safety and Well-Being Plan (2021-2025)
The Community Safety and Well-Being Plan presents a sustainable community where everyone is safe, has a sense of belonging, opportunities to participate, and where individuals and families are able to meet their needs for education, health care, food, housing, income, and social and cultural expression. The South Georgian Bay and Springwater Community Safety and Well-being Plan includes the Township of Clearview, Town of Collingwood, Town of Wasaga Beach and Township of Springwater.  

Strategic Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (2021-2025)

The Town’s Strategic Multi-Year Accessibility Plan was developed by the AAC in compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Human Rights Act as well as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #11. It is intended to guide the Town of Collingwood in achieving its vision of providing all people with consistent opportunity and access to Town goods, services and facilities. 

Parks, Recreation, & Culture Master Plan (2019)
The Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan identifies needs and priorities for the Town of Collingwood to the year 2028. This is a framework for well-being.

Waterfront Master Plan (2016)
The Waterfront Master Plan provides a long-term, comprehensive plan for the Town of Collingwood’s waterfront, focusing on the area from Hen and Chickens Island to Sunset Point Park, where the majority of public spaces and mixed-use activity is located.

Active Transportation Framework (2017)
This framework looks towards expanding and enhancing the active transportation network; helping and encouraging more people to use active transportation; building community engagement and support for active transportation; and, improving the layout and design of the community to be more supportive of active transportation and pedestrians in general.

    Fire Protection Services Master Plan (2017)
    To ensure that the Town is meeting the needs of the community and its staff, the Fire Chief recognizes the necessity to update and maintain a Fire Services Master Plan (FMP) for the purposes of providing high-quality fire services to the residents of the Town and its visitors. This Plan allows for prudent operating and capital budget forecasting, and assists neighbouring municipalities through the provision of Automatic Aid and Fire Service Agreements.

    Urban Forest Management Plan
    The Town of Collingwood values the urban forest and its contribution to the liveability of our community. In addition to the environmental, social, aesthetic and economic benefits of the urban forest, the Town recognizes the importance trees have on health, quality of life, tourism, recreation, and green infrastructure. The Town is committed to sustainable management of the urban forest as well as supporting community action and stewardship to maintain, renew, and enhance this natural resource for future generations.

    Cycling Plan (2019)
    The Town of Collingwood Cycling Plan provides a long-term vision, strategy and implementation plan to develop, strengthen and support a cycling culture in Collingwood. The plan identifies policies, programs and facilities needed to help make cycling an attractive everyday mobility option for residents ranging from 8 to 80 years old with a wide range of abilities. Existing and potential cycling tourism opportunities in Collingwood and surrounding areas are also explored.

    Master Servicing Study 

    The Master Servicing Plan for Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems is used to identify water and sanitary servicing projects that will be required to accommodate growth over the planning horizon, including residential and employment growth. 

    Master Transportation Study 

    A multitude of developments varying in size and complexity are proposed in the Town of Collingwood (Town) over the next few decades. The study estimates the total traffic volumes to be generated by the proposed developments and the corresponding impacts on the Town’s road network over the medium-term (2031) and long-term (2041). A total of 20 primary intersections in the Town were assessed.

    Stormwater Management Master Model (2022)

    To assess the capabilities of the existing stormwater infrastructure in the Town, Greenland International Consulting Ltd. was retained to complete an existing conditions Master Stormwater Management Model, consisting of the existing storm sewer drainage system and multiple watercourses that traverse the Town limits. For more information, please refer to the following documents:

    Stormwater Management Master Model - Final Report 2022 (10 MB PDF)

    Stormwater Management Master Model 2022 - Appendices 1-2 (30MB PDF)

    Stormwater Management Master Model 2022 - Appendices 3-8 (20MB PDF)

    Stormwater Management Master Model 2022 - Appendix 9 (58MB PDF)

    Stormwater Management Master Model 2022 - Appendix 10 (61MB PDF)

    Stormwater Management Master Model 2022 - Appendix 11-A (44MB PDF)

    Stormwater Management Master Model 2022 - Appendix 11-B (36MB PDF)

    Collingwood Downtown Heritage Conservation District Plan

    Collingwood Downtown Heritage Conservation District Plan 2008 is the successor to Collingwood Downtown Heritage Conservation District Study and Plan 2002.

    Transit Service Review 

    Collingwood Transit Service Review was completed in 2021.

    Asset Management Plan (2022)

    Urban Design Manual (December 2010)

    Development Standards (July 2007)